Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Wonderful Neighborhood

169 Prophet Drive

A More Permanent Home

427 North Chauncey 1950 - 1953

Married and First Apartment

Hilltop Apartments Building 21-8, sublet 3 months in summer of 1950

Soldiers' Home

slow car race

Columbian Park

Columbian Park is the oldest park in the Lafayette area. My grandparents took my mother there as a child, she took my siblings and me there, she accompanied my grandchildren on the rides and to the zoo, and her great grandchildren have also enjoyed the park's amenities! Let's see, that's five generations of the family who have spent time in Columbian Park!

As a teen/young adult, Fern spent time doing community theater on Columbian Park Memorial Island in the lagoon.
I have often wondered why it is called a lagoon instead of a lake or a pond, but lagoon it is! You can see the island in the background.

 HMS Pinafore, Student Prince, and Lowland Sea were some of the operas she performed in or directed. For HMS Pinafore, they took advantage of being on an island and had the lead make his entrance by boat!
I have to include this picture for personal reasons. Notice those ducks on the left? See the wake they are creating? They are hoping that I will be tossing them bread crumbs, and are speeding over to check me out as I stand on the banks taking pgotographs. Sorry, ducks, no bread from me today!

Purdue University Days

Elliot Hall of Music




Alpha Z Delta (519 University)

West Lafayette High School

My mother was quite disconcerted as we tried to get photos of her high school. The original building has had many, many additions. And, that original portion has also undergone a facelift and looks nothing like it did when she attended the school. But, we took some pictures anyway, just to document the site.

Craig's dad, Carl (Cotton) also attended Morton Elementary and West Lafayette Junior and Senior High School. Because their names are so close alphabetically (Honeywell, Isenbarger) they were often seated close to one another. I have always enjoyed hearing the stories they told on each other from their school days.